Do you feel stuck on what to pray for your child? Let me help by pointing to 7 meaningful scriptures to be praying over your children.
I remember being pregnant and listening to a sermon preached at my church on Mother’s Day. She was discussing the power of praying. She had children of all ages, but it took her a long time to realize how to use prayer as help. That prayer was not always her first response when she was struggling. I can very much relate. I want to get better about praying in times of need, even out loud to model it for my children.
We can teach our children to pray and tell them how important it is, but they will learn most from us molding it to them. The best way our children learn from us is through our own habits. I want prayer to be my habit in times of stress and overwhelm. Prayer should be my first instinct in times of celebration and our normal lives. I also struggle to know what to pray over my children when I lay them down to bed. That is why I want to go over a few scriptures that we can memorize to pray for our children. We can use them when we are unsure of what to pray. Using God’s words over our children’s lives can have a huge impact. Let’s go over how praying these 7 scriptures over your children is meaningful.
Lastly, I want to gently remind you that while prayer is so powerful we want the absolute best for our children. However, we do need to remember to surrender them to the Lord. That their lives are in God’s hands and we are the vessel. We can do things such as pray, guide them, teach them, and be their support, but remember God has a special plan for them we can not see. So remember to surrender control to God so your heart is in a healthy place.
What Does God’s Word Say About Praying Scripture Over Our Children:
2 Timothy 3:14-17
14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Paul is telling Timothy to look at his past and remember what his parents had instilled in him in infancy. Timothy grew up in a home that believed in God and he was taught the scriptures. The Bible is God-breathed, meaning God directed the individuals who wrote it. He wants us to use it to teach our children and use it to guide our lives. By teaching the scriptures or bible verses, they have a solid, good foundation to fall back on. This world is full of false Gods and false hope, but the word of God is the one thing that stands above it all and stands true. We are called to teach our children, let’s use the Bible to do that! We have a very big responsibility, but we have God’s grace, love, and support through it all.
7 Simple but Meaningful Scriptures to be Praying Over Our Children
There are plenty of meaningful scriptures to be praying over our children, but here are 7 to get you started! In each, there is a sample prayer. I want you to say the scripture and then a blessing, you may even use the sample one and replace “my children” with your child’s name.
For Their Salvation
1 Thessalonians 5:9–10 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him.
Paulstatesg in this verse that the Thessalonians have nothing to worry about because they are God’s children and have the hope of eternal life. We can pray this verse over our children that when they choose to believe in God, they will receive the gift of eternal life.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I am almost positive that we all have this verse memorized already, so it is simple to say to our children. However, please pray this with an intentional heart. Know the impact of these words when praying them over your children.
Prayer Sample:
Dear God, I pray my child believes in you at a young age and does not follow the patterns of this world. For them to lean not on their understanding but on You and Your powerful Word. I ask that they develop their faith and relationship with you. This way they can build their solid foundation on your truth. Amen.
Their Future Spouse:
Proverbs 3:5, 6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight.
King Solomon, the wisest person to live, wrote this verse. He asked God for wisdom and this is one of the many proverbs that he wrote. This verse is packed full of great wisdom, so take time to break it down and say it slowly when praying it over your children. Feel the impact of all the words. This verse can be applied to many areas of our child’s life, such as finding their future spouse.
Our children, as well as us, need to rely on God’s wisdom. We have limitations to our wisdom, God does not. Instead of worrying about our child’s future and future spouse, we need to lean on Him. Our children need to obey God and truly trust in Him. God promises to make our paths straight. It just may not be on our timing. By praying this verse over our children, we are praying for them to rely on God. Not on their understanding.
Example of Prayer:
Lord, I pray that my child’s future spouse knows you. I pray they go to you in every situation and lean on your truths, and not their own. Let my child’s future spouse trust your perfect will. I pray they have a clean heart and sound mind with solid knowledge of our Lord, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Their Obedience:
John 14:21 “Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me… .”
Jesus is the one speaking these words. He is tellingeveryy one of us that he will know who truly loves him because they will be the obedient ones.
If we love God, we must obey Him. It is the ultimate test of our love for God. If we genuinely love, trust, and want to be in a relationship with Jesus, we must listen to Him and obey. Obedience is difficult sometimes. However, we need to be reminded that our good God loves us and His plans are better than any that we can make. He is all-knowing and has the best intentions for us. We need our children to understand obedience so they can obey God. It starts in our home.
Sample Prayer:
Lord, I pray that my child learns to obey us, his parents. I pray they learn how to obey us so they can obey You, Father. In return, I know the promise you have for them, of eternal life. I pray they lean on you throughout their life. That they learn to listen to the Holy Spirit to please you and do your good works. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Their Hearts
Acts 15:9 …for he purified their hearts by faith
Paul is describing how God gave everyone who believes in Him the Holy Spirit. God will forgive those who repent. Their hearts are purified through their faith.
I want my child’s heart to be genuine and good. I want them to fulfill the greatest commandment- to love others unconditionally. To help when they see a need. It is sometimes not easy to step out of our comfort zone to do the right thing. With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can see the need clearly and help. The Holy Spirit directs us to make wise choices. I want our children to know how to repent to God so they can continuously hear the Holy Spirit. It needs to be daily. We sin every day, even if we are not aware. When we repent, God purifies our hearts. I want my children to learn that so they can have a close relationship with the Lord.
Sample Prayer
Lord God, I pray my children’s hearts will be purified through their faith. I pray that You take away any sinful nature from their heart and replace it with a new heart, a pure heart. Replace the sinful heart with a heart filled with the Fruits of the Spirit. Help them to understand the depth of Your steadfast love. I pray they turn to You and repent so they can be washed clean of their sinful nature. Their heart can lead them to do good works and deeds and lead them away from following their own way. I ask that you purify their hearts throughout their life. I pray they follow you with all their heart, mind, and soul. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Their Protection
Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold
David describes God as his rock and shield that protects him. That his faith in God means that God will protect him. It is amazing that we have God’s protection because it can protect us against anything. We want that for our children.
Example Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I know You are the ultimate protector. You can protect us emotionally, physically, and mentally. I pray over my children. That you protect their hearts, mind, and soul. When they believe in You, I pray they rely on your protection so they can step out in faith and be obedient to You. Please show up and protect them. You are the ultimate shield, and I ask you to protect my family. In the name of the Lord, Amen.
For God to Present Himself To Them
Numbers 6:24-26 – The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
This is one of my favorite scriptures. I prayed this verse over my unborn children before they were even conceived. It holds a very special place in my heart. I prayed it over the home that we moved into, where we were going to raise our family. It is our family verse. Kari Jobe turned it into a song, which is actually how I heard about it. This verse is focused on the characteristics of the Lord and how gracious and loving He is to us when we follow Him. I think it is essential to pray for our children to do things, such as obey, love and trust in the Lord. I also think it is important to ask God to show up for them. To ask Him to show His face to them.
Sample Prayer: Father God, I pray for my child and the many children that come after them. I pray You show them peace, love, and guidance. I pray they feel the depth of your love and peace. That they find the path that you created for them and they find all of your blessings in the day-to-day. I pray You show your face to them and that You have a strong relationship with them. Let your light shine on them and through them. Your powerful light. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Their Thankfulness
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Paul, who has been through so many trials and hardships, even says to rejoice. He knows our God is good. He knows the importance of prayer and thanking God. Even when we feel down, we know there is much to thank God for.
Prayer Sample:
Dear Lord, I pray my child has a heart of thanksgiving always. I hope they know there is always something to be thankful for. I pray they know You are good in all circumstances, even when they do not understand what you are doing. Let them be thankful always and live in that posture. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
These are just 7 meaningful scriptures to be praying for your children. You may start with one or two and then add some of your own. Add them into your everyday routine! I hope you find great peace in praying these over your children. Prayer does matter and it holds great power. God wants you to talk with Him. It helps the renewal of your mind and spirit.
If you need more resources on specific prayers to pray over your children that go deeper than their protection and their hearts, Kaylene Yoder has a great book called 40 Scripture-based Prayers to Pray Over Your Children.
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