Do you want some valuable routines to help your household run smoothly? Here are some daily routines of an intentional Christian mom to help!
Ever-Changing Routines
Routines change as your seasons of life change. Your routines when you are new parents are different than when you have older kids. The routines when you are pregnant look different from when you are a year postpartum. Whatever the case may be, it is a healthy practice to sit down and analyze them. Find unhealthy routines and replace them with healthy ones. Before we dive into beneficial tasks to add to your daily routine, we need to analyze what we already do to make room for these tasks.
Analyzing Your Natural Routines
I would encourage you to sit down and look at what your day-to-day looks like. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. What are some activities that you do every day? ex. workout, make your bed, go on social media, read the bible, drink a glass of wine every night, etc.
2. Which of those activities are beneficial for you? ex. working out, making your bed
3. Which of those activities do you need to try to cut out or reduce in frequency? ex. drinking wine every night, social media
4. What would you like to add as a daily habit?
Why Is It Important to Analyze Daily Habits?
By analyzing your daily habits, it helps you to see what is important to you in your life and what you could get rid of. Sometimes some of the daily habits are beneficial for you while others may hinder you. For example, social media. It is a great tool for learning and engaging in community. It is also a hindrance when it takes up hours of your day. I would suggest taking out those activities that hinder you and adding in one that is life-giving. Start small. Take out one habit for the week. Then the next week, add one. It will take time.
Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, we are in charge of what we do with our day. We can be intentional about it. We are going to dive into some daily and life routines that are healthy for Christian moms. I want to encourage you that you do not need all of these things in your day currently, but look at it as a goal. Your life will ebb and flow and your routines will adjust to your season of life.
Intentional Christian Mom Daily Routines
Motherhood is filled with small, little moments that make up your day. These small moments matter. Motherhood is an example of a ministry. We have to be aware of how we use our time. While we all want to incorporate every amazing habit and trick into our lives, it is just not realistic. I wanted to share some routines that are attainable and can become a part of your natural routine.
1st Thessalonians 5:17, pray without ceasing.
The first thing I want to start with is prayer without ceasing. This would be the ultimate goal. To pray without stopping. With young children, it is hard to get up early and sit in intentional prayer. I do encourage you to have a morning prayer to start your day off on the right foot, but it can just be a simple prayer to God.
Paul is not saying that we need to be on our knees all of the time praying. He is saying to have a prayerful attitude throughout your day. Include God in your day. Pray short prayers out loud or in your head. Thank him or ask him at the moment for help. He wants to be included in our lives. He wants us to talk to him while we are switching a load of laundry. The little things matter to Him. We can not have an intimate relationship with someone who we talk to once a week. We need to be in conversation with Him frequently to receive that intimate relationship with our Father. Intentional- sit down and pause prayer does still need to be a part of our daily lives, but it does not have to be at the same time every day. Just talk with God.
Move Your Body
1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
I know Paul is not here telling us to move our bodies, but he is saying that we need to honor our bodies. Moving our body is taking care of it. As a busy mom, it may be hard to imagine setting time aside to prioritize yourself but it is vital. God created us in His image, each one uniquely made. We need to honor that. It can be a simple walk or it could mean going to the gym. Playing sports with your kids is the best way to exercise as well. Intentionally take time out of your day to take care of yourself. You are honoring yourself while honoring God. Not only that, but you are benefiting your children. They are seeing that you are putting your health as a priority.
Enjoy Nature
Psalm 95:4-5 In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.
Going outside and stepping into nature reduces stress levels, helps to clear your mind, and gives you peace. Whether it is cold or hot it is so beneficial to our minds and bodies. Walking and observing nature will help your overall mood. You do not have to plan big, extravagant activities to do outside with your littles. You can do small, simple things. An example would be just walking in the grass and trying to find bugs, flowers, and insects. It is the perfect playtime activity to spend time with your kids, while they learn naturally. You don’t have to spend hours outside, but small breaks throughout your day help! You are grounding yourself back to Him when you see, hear, and feel all of nature around you. It is impossible to miss the goodness of God when you are in nature.
Be in Community
1 Thessalonians 5:14 we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Surrounding yourself with a like-minded, healthy community is vital to you and your family’s well-being. It is so beneficial to have other individuals walk with you through all seasons of your life. Whether you find them through a bible study, small group, church, or a friend of a friend, you need community. They will help correct you, encourage you, and love you. We are not meant to do this life alone. Even Jesus had disciples. He was teaching them, but I am sure He needed them as well. It is not healthy to be alone. Find a community that is in the same stage of life as you so you can lean on them for advice and understanding. It is okay to have other communities who are in different stages of their life as well.
A great aspect of being in a community is prayer requests. They can pray with you and alongside you. You need those people in your life and they need you!
Have Family Dinners
Family dinners are so important. They are a great way to connect back with your family after a crazy busy day. The meals themselves do not have to be 5-star meals, it is about the family time that comes from the meal. We see Jesus eating with his disciples and with everyone He ministered to. Meals were a common theme in the bible. It is a time to be in each other presence and connect. Keep in mind though that dinners will look a little different in every season. You may have a hard time getting dinners ready sometimes, and that is okay too. Ask your older children to help, or your husband. I am not saying all dinners will be peaceful and run smoothly, but I am saying that the company around the table is what is important. Your children will remember that time.
Be in God’s Word
Joshua 1:8, …but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
What the Bible tells us about The Word
The Bible tells us so much about the bible. It states the bible is God Breathed, it is there to teach us, correct us and bring us up in righteousness. We are to read the bible to better understand Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. We learn how we should live our life, through the examples of the Bible. How are we supposed to live our life according to God without reading our bible?
How to add reading your Bible into the daily routines for an intentional Christian mom
When you think of reading the bible, most of the time you think of the phrase “quiet time” This phrase is not one I love to use because it mostly coexists with unmet expectations. When I imagine daily quiet time, I think of a clean house, kids are peacefully asleep at 8, the candle is lit and I have a hot cup of tea.
In my stage of life, the infant years, that is just not attainable which makes me just want to not have quiet time and go to bed instead. So, instead of calling it quiet time, I just hold myself accountable for spending time with the Lord. After all, Jesus’s quiet time was him walking away from his disciples to go spend time with God. He did not need a million things to line up perfectly before He went to the Father. That is what we need to do too. We need to find time in our daily schedule to read the word of God. To spend quality time with Him. That will look different in every stage of your life.
If you are in a super busy season of life, or sleep deprivation is getting to you, you may not be left with much time or mental space to really study the word. It may be best to find a time during nap time. Reading your bible could be also incorporated into your bedtime routine or just whenever you get free time. In this season, you may just open your bible and read just one bible verse and pray. It could look like opening your bible app to see what the verse of the day is and reading it. It can be simple, but it is better than nothing.
If you are in a more relaxed season of life, now may be the time to really dive into the word and memorize scripture. Maybe you have enough time to sit and study historical events and memorize stories.
Whatever the case, opening your bible and reading a bit will impact you in the best way possible. You may not feel it at the time, but a year from now, you will see an impact. If you step away and do not read your bible, you will also see an impact a year from now. I encourage you to look at your priorities and adjust if needed. Put the most important things at the top of your list and ask for help to achieve that.
Spend time on your hobby
One of the best things you can do for yourself and your family is to prioritize yourself and your hobbies! I can not stress enough how important identity is as a mom. Everyone says they lose who they are in motherhood, which is really sad. I think it is so important to sit down with your husband and discuss how to prioritize you and your hobby. Everyone needs a healthy escape from normal mundane life. For example, I love gardening and working out. I make time for those things during my child’s nap. By prioritizing yourself, you will be more healthy for your husband and kids. Also, you are setting an example for them to participate in what they love to do.
Do not lose yourself, or the family can quickly become unhealthy as a result. Your hobby will clear your mind, give you rest and take your mind off of every-day tasks. Think of different ways that you and your husband can prioritize your hobby, but also his! You both are setting a healthy foundation and example for your family.
Conclusion of “The Daily Routines of the Intentional Christian Mom”
These are just a few, but important daily routines you can implement as an intentional Christian mom. You may start with a simple morning routine with some worship music in the background and a simple prayer. Or you may be a morning person and get up way before the kids and read your bible. Whatever the case, these little routines are easy to fit into your day. You do not need a rigid schedule, because let’s be honest, kids are unpredictable! If you are finding it difficult to fit them into your day, please read these tips on time management as a busy mom. It may help you look at your to-do list differently and allow you to open up time in your schedule.
This was a great read, I really enjoyed it!
I really like that you added Bible reading into an already hectic routine! With homeschooling 2 littles and an infant, “quiet time” only exists if I wake up at 5 am. Which is honestly my goal everyday, but it simply doesn’t happen every morning! So I need to be intentional about adding in Bible reading just a few minutes at a time throughout it the day! Thank you also, for the reminder to work on our own hobbies! So often people think motherhood is neglecting ourselves and sacrificing every part of us for them. And though true to a certain extent, if we don’t do something that fills our cup, we won’t have anything left to fuel the kids! Great read.
“Do not lose yourself, or the family can quickly become unhealthy as a result.” So good. This honestly spoke to me in so many ways. Thank you so much!
This is beautiful. This is definitely something I’ve been needing to do, and I appreciate the way you’ve explained how to be intentional in doing so. Thank you!
Love this post! This has a lot of great tips for prioritizing your day and I love reading about ways to improve my quiet time and hobbies!